Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The New Year and what is ahead of us...

So it's almost New Year's and I've decided that I might make my blog a catalog of my jams and jellies and other delicious treats that i will create throughout the year. So christmas has come and gone so quickly and I received quite the collection of "old timey" cookbooks for jams and jellies and such sweet treats. The funny thing is that I really need to lose weight this year. I'm pretty sure that I have gained at least 30 pounds this year alone and it's really taking a toll on my psyche. It's really hard to lose weight when you love sweets as much as I do and just don't care about exercising as little as one possibly could. So I suppose I have quite the collection of resolutions this year: exercise and don't eat all of the jam that I make. I think that's pretty reasonable, don't you?! So I will certainly try to blog more and I'm sure none of you expect me to make jam everyday. Well I guess this is a short one. Maybe I will pick up on it later. Ciao for now!

1 comment:

  1. you know, I lost the most weight a) when donna and I had only our feet as transportation; and, then b) when we moved to nantucket where I again didn't have a car right away and also walked dogs for my job. I have stopped working out (only because of timing with preparing for xmas, job stress, etc...I DO like exercising), but after gaining some weight back (from the 10 I had recently lost), I'm almost back down...and I attribute it to my new job which is very physical and involves a lot of dog walking again. Even after all the eggnog and cookies. My point? walking alone can really make a huge dent in weight loss. Also, if you love sweets, and you can do with just the jams, then just try to stay away from the other stuff: chocolates, cookies, etc. Your jams are natural, so they would make a great sweet indulgence.
    good luck!
